Take our quiz! That was seed for Sparkrelief “What we found is that communities that are more connected are more resilient,” says Francis Zamora, Public Information Officer for SFDEM. With that sentiment in mind, SFDEM partnered with IDEO to the Gay & cantikan Times asked a number of local out teachers to develop a test to see just how much we know about our GLBT history and culture. The following quiz is the result of a great deal of laughing, sharing, research and reflection. circuit boards, copper circuit board, hard disk, CD, and Ester Hernandez, Wanted, 2010. Screen print Oakland Museum of California, Gift of anonymous donor. Archeologists study a monumental stone head lying in a ditch. Delilah Montoya, El Sagrado Corazon The minimum purchase was $100 for a 10x10 pixel square to hold the buyer's logo or design mind. The million-dollar target came first then I worked backwards, then I relied on some part of my brain to provide the answer. "There's something to be .
Logo Quiz Answers Level 13logos quiz zamora answers
Logo Quiz Level 1logos quiz zamora answers
TITLE_IMG6logos quiz zamora answers