The American t-shirt has become one of the best mediums for self-expression. Whether you state what you feel in words or by displaying the logo of your favorite product or brand, your feelings are made known to all who see you. In fact, just wearing a t-shirt is a statement in and of itself.
It is hard to trace the exact roots of the t-shirt because there is little documented history of it. The best way to track its existence is searching through historical photographs.
Legend has it that American soldiers envied their British counterparts uniforms during WW1.The British wore a white t-shirt as part of their uniform (they had been wearing these t-shirts as part of their military uniform since the late 1890's).
The soldier's pullover shirt had a round neck, short sleeves, and fell to the waist. It did not have a collar or any buttons. Made from lightweight cotton, it felt soft and comfortable on the skin. The t-shirt soaked up the soldier's sweat, allowing more time between laundering the heavy, wool uniform.